Time is everything . . .

When you live in a society that tells you are broken or less than because of the way you move through the world, the way you look, or a multitude of other reasonings, loving you for who you truly are will never be enough. Slowly I have found that reality could not be further from the truth.

At one point in my life, I used to think that to fight against societal standards of normalcy, I had to be 100% happy with the skin I was in. I had to learn that changing myself was not only impossible, it also would not solve any of my problems. My quest to blend in and be just like everyone else led me to miss out on a lot of what now makes me happy today.

I was never meant to blend in and having the ability to claim that power of my differences was world changing. Finding the ability to refuse on buying into society’s idea that there is only one way to be valuable was one of the bravest steps I have ever taken. I have made peace with myself, not promising that I’ll always love every aspect of my being but promising that I will refuse to destroy myself from within.

When the days get tough for you and just won’t let up, I hope that you will look in the mirror and remind yourself of what you are and what you are not.  You are not the opinion of someone who doesn’t know you or your differences. You deserve to look back on your life without the resounding voices saying, I could have, but it’s too late now. Embrace your differences and stand for everything you are worth.

1 Comment

  1. Enjoyed reading and gained a lot of positive from podcast Adam. People have looked at me funny and said some awful things to me because of my obesity. But if they knew the health problems and that helped me being obese and putting me in a wheelchair with permanent damage to my legs maybe they will take a look in the mirror. The cruel behavior by some individuals will not stop me having a great life with a awesome wife & kids with some great friends that God has Put into my life. God Bless and keep living the life that you enjoy.